Dear LBCA Community,
I am excited to share that LBCA has reached an important milestone, and I am thrilled to introduce you to the new generation of leadership that will take LBCA forward.
New Leadership – New Opportunities

I have been so honored to be the founding leader of LBCA and thankful to work alongside the amazing researchers, advocates, organizations and many patients with lobular breast cancer since 2017. We launched a scrappy, patient-powered, volunteer start-up organization and turned it into an important presence that has influenced the breast cancer world in a remarkably short time.
We created educational tools and helped thousands of patients navigate their disease.
We spurred scientific interest in research on lobular.
We persuaded organizations to embrace lobular in their missions.
And while I will stay engaged with LBCA as a mentor and take on discrete projects, it’s time for me transition direction of LBCA to the next generation of leaders who will continue our progress.
I am so pleased to introduce you to LBCA’s new Executive Director, Laurie Hutcheson. Laurie brings a professional background in health care management, leadership, and innovation to the role of LBCA’s first Executive Director, as well as her unflagging energy and her huge heart. Laurie understands what it’s like to be a patient with lobular because she is one of us. Laurie reached out when she had finished her treatment and asked, “How can I help?” As I continue on as an organizational mentor, Laurie is already implementing strategies that will expand LBCA’s reach and impact.
Be part of LBCA’s Future Growth and Success
But Laurie and the talented new staff and volunteer team can’t do it alone. As LBCA moves forward, and with your help and support:
We will raise the funds to drive critical lobular research.
We will raise our voices as advocates so that lobular breast cancer is never ignored again.
We will make sure that everyone knows that not all breast cancer is the same.
And we will fight so future patients get the treatment and care that is right for them and have the information they need to be informed partners in their health care.
Thank you for being part of the LBCA community in our first three years. Please join me in welcoming Laurie Hutcheson as the Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance’s new Executive Director.
Leigh Pate
Founder, Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance