Striving for a world in which lobular breast cancer is found early, treated effectively, and eradicated permanently.

Declaring October 15th Global Lobular Breast Cancer Awareness Day

Striving for a world in which lobular breast cancer is found early, treated effectively, and eradicated permanently.

What Is Invasive Lobular Carcinoma?

Invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC), also known as lobular breast cancer, is the sixth most frequently diagnosed cancer of women in the US with nearly 44,000 new patients diagnosed each year. Research indicates that ILC is a unique histological subtype of breast cancer with distinct biological and behavioral differences. It’s time to advance research to better understand ILC and its differences and refine treatments for patients with lobular breast disease.

An Introduction to ILC and the Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance

Learn more about ILC, the importance of ILC-specific research, and an overview of the Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance’s critical role in supporting this community and promoting collaboration, research, and advocacy. 

woman watching LBCA video on computer

ILC Clinical Trials

Patients with invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC), also known as lobular breast cancer, who are in treatment or have undergone treatment for their breast cancers can help advance understanding of the disease by participating in clinical trials. 

Very few clinical trials or studies are designed solely for patients with lobular breast cancer because ILC is a much smaller proportion of all breast cancers (only about 10 to 15%), and thus, there are fewer patients with ILC and less ILC tissue available to study. 

However, there are many clinical trials that patients with lobular breast cancer can join. We encourage people with ILC to participate in clinical trials because the more patients with lobular breast disease there are who participate in clinical trials, the easier it is to analyze the impact of each clinical trial specifically on lobular breast disease. The more patients with ILC who participate in clinical trials, the faster the understanding of the specific characteristics of ILC and the efficacy of potential treatments for patients with ILC will advance. 

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