The following materials can be used to help spread the word about Oct.15th Global Lobular Breast Cancer Awareness Day

Click on the file to view and download.

Oct. 15th Global Lobular Breast Cancer Awareness Day flyer

View and download the October 15th flyer in other languages:

Social Media Content

Share these on social media along with the suggested copy and campaign hashtags to help us spread the word.

The inaugural Global Lobular Breast Cancer Awareness Day is this Oct. 15th! Help us spread the word that Lobular Breast Cancer may not always be a lump and can be missed on a mammogram.  Join our movement to shine a spotlight on Lobular Breast Cancer and bring more attention, more research and specific treatments to this long-overlooked type of breast cancer.  Learn more about the campaign here: #lobularbreastcancer #BreastCancerAwareness #BreastCancer #WomensHealth #learnaboutlobular #missedonmammogram

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and this year we have declared October 15th as Global Lobular Breast Cancer Awareness Day to shine a spotlight on the 15% of breast cancer diagnoses each year that are lobular. Lobular Breast Cancer is the 2nd most common type of breast cancer with over 46,000 women diagnosed each year in the US, but it receives less than1% of breast cancer research funding and has no specific treatment. It is a distinct type of breast cancer that may not form a lump, so is often missed on mammograms and diagnosed later when tumors are larger. Join our global movement to help raise awareness of this troubling breast cancer type that needs more research! Like and share our posts to help us reach more women! Visit for more information #lobularbreastcancer #BreastCancerAwareness #BreastCancer #WomensHealth #learnaboutlobular #missedonmammogram #NationalCancerPlan #Every1HasARole

Social Media Cover Photos

Change your social media profile cover photos for the month of October in support of Global Lobular Breast Cancer Awareness day!

Facebook profile cover photo

LinkedIn Career Page banner

Plan an Advocacy Event in Your Region!

Bring our Oct. 15th campaign materials from this page: the flyer, ILC fact sheet and talking points and social media graphics, and ILC brochure into your local library, hospital or community health center on October 15th and we will include your act of education and awareness raising on our map! Send us an email with questions or to let us know your plans at

Press Release, Declaration Letter and Talking Points

Global Awareness Day press release

Global Awareness Day Declaration Letter

Lobular Breast Cancer Fact Sheet & Talking Points

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