Core to the mission of the LBCA is helping individuals with lobular breast cancer worldwide connect with one another and engage collaboratively to drive awareness and education of invasive lobular carcinoma. We offer you two types of opportunities to connect with local ILC advocates and/or raise awareness of ILC in your community.
Local Advocacy Teams (LATs)
Since its launch in the fall of 2023, our Local Advocacy Team (LAT) initiative continues to expand to support individuals in the US in a common geographic area interested in extending LBCA’s ILC education and awareness efforts locally. Patient advocates interested in learning more about LATs and how to join or form one are invited to join in a monthly meeting via zoom.
Email Introduction with ILC Patients from Your State
LBCA wants to assist in introducing ILC patients in the same geographical area, whether in the US or other countries. If you state your interest via the survey below, we will send an email introducing you to other patient advocates in your geographical area who also indicated an interest in connecting via email.
If you would like to take part in these opportunities, please complete our form here by February 7th. If you completed this form last year and still want to participate in either effort, please complete it again as we are required to document that we have confirmed individuals’ interest anew each year. Please note that we will only share your contact information with other patient advocates if you complete the survey stating you’d like us to do so.