Advocate Chat – Reading Research Articles and Posters

A Conversation with LBCA Scientific Advisory Board member Dr. Megan Kruse About SABCS 2021 Research and Presentation on Pleomorphic vs. Non-pleomorphic ILC

The Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance (LBCA) provides information and tools to help individuals who want to educate others about invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC), also known as lobular breast cancer. LBCA also provides links to training resources for breast cancer research advocacy, which enable people to promote more ILC research. The LBCA’s Advocate Chat series provides people with a way to learn more about different aspects of patient advocacy and to network with other patient advocates.

On July 6, 2022, LBCA held an Advocate Chat titled Reading Research Articles and Posters: A Conversation with LBCA Scientific Advisory Board member Dr. Megan Kruse About SABCS 2021 Research and Presentation on Pleomorphic vs. Non-pleomorphic ILC. During the session, Dr. Kruse shared how research ideas come to be, how advocates can get the most out of conferences and presentations, how to read and understand research posters, and evaluating research that advocates may see at conferences. She then discussed her own research titled Comparison of Clinical Features and Outcomes for Pleomorphic ILC  vs. Non-pleomorphic ILC.

Watch the Advocate Chat and download the slides.

Learn more about LBCA and advocacy by visiting our Advocacy through Education and Research Advocacy Toolkit pages and reading Research Advocacy Resources and Questions and Answers. For more information about lobular breast cancer or to make a gift visit
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