The Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance (LBCA) is a national non-profit organization with a network of health care professionals.

We are patients, volunteers, advocates, and breast cancer clinicians and researchers actively collaborating to increase knowledge of invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC), also known as lobular breast cancer,  and promote and fund ILC research. Learn more about LBCA on our Mission & Vision page.  Scroll down to learn more about our staff and volunteer leadership teams!

Board of Directors

Bob McDevitt
Board Chair: Bob McDevitt
Brenda Cunnington
Brenda Cunnington
John Doski
John Doski, MD
Laurie Hutcheson
Laurie Hutcheson
Kathryn Krantz
Kathryn Krantz, MD
Judy McDevitt
Judy McDevitt
Robert Oakes


Laurie Hutcheson
Laurie Hutcheson
Mason Mitchell-Daniels
Mason Mitchell-Daniels
Amie Kolodziej
Amie Kolodziej
Melissa Smicker
Suzanne Cook Kinsellagh
Julia Levine
Julia Katherine Levine
Janice Axelrod LBCA
Janice Axelrod
Megan Medeiros
Kathleen Moss Headshot
Kathleen Moss

Scientific Advisory Board

Jason A. Mouabbi, MD
Board Chair: Jason A. Mouabbi, MD
Headshot of Rinath Jeselsohn, MD
Rinath Jeselsohn, MD
Patrick W.B. Derksen, PhD
Patrick W.B. Derksen, PhD
Rachel C. Jankowitz, MD
Dr. Maxine Jochelson, LBCA SAB
Maxine Jochelson, MD
Megan Kruse MD
Megan Kruse, MD
Rebecca Shatsky, MD
Rita Mukhtar, MD
Rita Mukhtar, MD
Headshot of Dr. Paluch-Shimon
Shani Paluch-Shimon, MD
Scientific Advisor Dr. Fresia Pareja
Fresia Pareja, MD
Rebecca Riggins PHD
Rebecca B. Riggins, PhD
Rimawi, Mothaffar_03
Mothaffar Rimawi, MD
George Sflomos head shot
George Sflomos, PhD
Matthew J. Sikora, PhD
Matthew J. Sikora, PhD
Dr. Peter Simpson
Peter Simpson, PhD
Christos Sotiriou, MD, PhD
Christos Sotiriou, MD, PhD
Dr. Daniel Stover
Daniel Stover, MD
Gary A. Ulaner, MD, PhD
Gary A. Ulaner, MD, PhD

Patient Advocate Advisory Board

Founding Advocates

Janice Axelrod LBCA
Janice Axelrod
Meg Kotler, Founding LBCA Advocate
Meg Kotler
Julia Levine
Julia Katherine Levine
Diane Mapes
Diane Mapes
Flora Migyanka
Flora Migyanka
Barbara Neilsen
Barbara Neilsen
Leigh Pate
Leigh Pate
Lori Petitti
Lori Petitti
Elizabeth Viggiano
Elizabeth Viggiano
Dr. Steffi Oesterreich
Steffi Oesterreich, PhD

Scientific Advisory Board, Emeritus Members

Otto Metzger, MD
Otto Metzger, MD
Jorge S. Reis–Filho, MD PhD FRCPath
Jorge S. Reis-Filho, MD PhD FRCPath
Davidson_Nancy_Photo Preferred-Blue.LARGE
Nancy E. Davidson, MD
Christopher I. Li, MD, PhD
Christopher I. Li, MD, PhD
Dr. Steffi Oesterreich
Steffi Oesterreich, PhD – LBCA Scientific Advisory Board Founder

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