Webinar: Research Updates on Metastatic ILC

The Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance and SHARE Cancer Support hosted an educational webinar:  Research Updates on Metastatic Lobular Breast Cancer on November 13, 2019.

Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance (LBCA) Scientific Advisory Board members Dr. Rachel Jankowitz, medical oncologist at the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, discussed what we are learning about ILC metastasis and it’s treatment response and promising therapies.  Dr. Gary Ulaner, radiologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, presented on imaging options to detect ILC metastasis focusing on PET-CT. LBCA steering committee member and metastatic ILC advocate Elizabeth Viggiano added the patient perspective.  Learn more about Metastatic Lobular Breast Cancer symptoms and where it can spread.


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