LBCA Progress Survey: Help Us Improve as we Seek to End ILC

As the Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance (LBCA) continues to evolve and grow in pursuit of its mission and vision, we seek input about how we are doing. Each year we ask for feedback from our newsletter subscribers as well as those who visit our website and use its resources, hear about our activities on multiple social media platforms, attend our virtual events, collaborate or volunteer with us, read the materials we produce, and/or support us.

We have prepared a survey to solicit your input anonymously. It is organized by our key goals and activities in support of our mission followed by a few questions about you to help us understand better the input you provide. At the end is a place where we ask for any comments that you might wish to make about LBCA and whether we may quote you anonymously. The survey takes approximately 5 -10 minutes to complete and will close at 5pm on July 19, 2024. 

Click here to take the survey, please only respond once.

Thank you for helping LBCA to continually improve as we seek to understand and end ILC!

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