The First Global Lobular Breast Cancer Awareness Day - Highlights from Around the World

The inaugural Global Lobular Breast Cancer Awareness Day was welcomed on October 15, 2024 with the opening bell of the stock market in Toronto, Canada and continued across the world! 

From live events, TV interviews, webinars, mini-conferences, live streamed presentations, and governors’ proclamations in 6 US states, patient advocates were heard around the world raising awareness about lobular breast cancer.  Read more below for recaps from Australia, Canada, Ireland, The Netherlands, and the US in New York, Boston, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Colorado and more! 

Boston, Massachusetts

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) Marks Lobular Breast Cancer Awareness Day in Massachusetts and Announces Opening of New Program on ILC Research 

LBCA SAB member, Dr. Rinath Jeselsohn a breast oncologist with Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) welcomed LBCA Executive Director, Laurie Hutcheson for a presentation on the first Lobular Breast Cancer Awareness Day in Massachusetts. She also announced the launch of the new DFCI lobular breast cancer focused research program. Dr. Jeselsohn presented along with a keynote address from Dr. Stuart Schnitt, Chief of Breast Oncologic Pathology, Dana Farber Brigham Cancer Center. Laurie Hutcheson also read MA Governor Maura Healey’s proclamation of the awareness day and later, shared Governor Healey’s address to the group. Patient advocate Jade Moran shared her metastatic lobular breast cancer story.

Massachusetts State Senator Rebecca Rausch shared why she supports the importance of raising awareness of lobular breast cancer  and Dr. Jeselsohn also shared the great news that there is a link to LBCA on the new DFCI webpage for lobular breast cancer patients.  Click here to read more about DFCI’s new Lobular Breast Cancer research program. 

Cleveland, Ohio

LBCA SAB Member, Dr. Megan Kruse Interviewed on WKYC Channel 3, Awareness Day Recognized at Cleveland-Clinic

Dr. Megan Kruse raised awareness of lobular breast cancer on October 15 at the Cleveland-Clinic in Ohio where educational materials on lobular breast cancer, awareness wrist bands and reusable bag give-aways were distributed.  Dr. Kruse met with clinicians, breast cancer patients, patient advocates along with Dr. Jame Abraham, M.D., FACP, the chairman of the Department of Hematology & Medical Oncology at Cleveland Clinic to raise awareness of lobular breast cancer.

Dr. Kruse shared that In the Terminal Tower lights in downtown Ohio had also been lit-up pink in honor of Lobular Breast Cancer Awareness Day on the 14th.  She was also successful in attracting media coverage! She was interviewed by WKYC Channel 3’s senior health correspondent Monica Robbins as part of a feature story that ran on lobular breast cancer awareness day and also featured her patient Katie Fiorito. In sharing her lobular breast cancer story, Katie explained why she advocates for more ILC awareness. 


SAB Member Dr. Sikora Presented An Educational ILC Program at His Lab on Oct. 15th at the University of Colorado

For recognition of Oct. 15th as the first Lobular Breast Cancer Awareness Day in Colorado, the Sikora Lab and Front Range ILC ( a Facebook-initiated group for connections, education and support for individuals with ILC living in Colorado) came together at the University of Colorado Cancer Center to commemorate the advances made together in lobular breast cancer advocacy and research. Topics covered at this in-person educational session and laboratory tour included:

  • The State of ILC Research with a Meet-the-Scientists Session
  • Front Range ILC Advocacy Group Update / 2024 International ILC Symposium Update
  • Actions and Updates on How Funding Supports Research in the Lab


SAB Chair Dr. Mouabbi Announces New ILC Center In the Works at MD Anderson and Shares Governor Abbot’s Proclamation of October 15th as Lobular Breast Cancer Awareness Day in Texas

SAB Chair Dr. Jason Mouabbi, Assistant Professor, Department of Breast Medical Oncology at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX hosted a dinner on October 15th to celebrate the first Lobular Breast Cancer Awareness Day in Texas. During the presentations by Dr. Mouabbi, several of his colleagues and patient advocates, he also shared the news that a new center for lobular breast cancer treatment and research is currently in development at MD Anderson. Stay tuned!

New York

Memorial Sloan Kettering Presents Virtual Town Hall for Lobular Breast Cancer Awareness Day and Launches New Lobular Breast Cancer Program

Dr. Sherry Shen, breast oncologist with Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC), led a comprehensive webinar presentation on lobular breast cancer that included an overview that described what makes ILC unique compared to other breast cancer types, the screening challenges presented by ILC, and current treatment options. Dr. Shen along with pathologist Dr. Fresia Pareja, who is also an LBCA SAB Member, and breast surgeon Dr. Anita Mamtani announced the launch of the new Lobular Breast Cancer Treatment and Research program that they are co-leading.

Executive Director, Laurie Hutcheson and her daughter Molly Minerva, Board Member Kathy Krantz, Patient Advocate Advisory Board Chair Irene Jamieson, LBCA Communications Director Amie Kolodziej and Lobular Breast Cancer Australia co-founder and patient advocate Pamela Kinnon attended the presentation in person and afterwards toured MSKCCs Evelyn H. Lauder Breast Center and learned more about the new program. 

Watch a recording of the presentation here.


Dr. Steffi Oesterreich Interviewed on ABC 4 for Lobular Breast Cancer Awareness Day

Dr. Steffi Oesterreich, founding LBCA SAB Chair and Co-Leader of the Cancer Biology Program at UPMC Hillman Cancer Center, also attracted TV coverage! She was interviewed on ABC 4 WTAE for Lobular Breast Cancer Awareness Day in Pennsylvania. In the interview, Dr. Oesterreich explained why lobular breast cancer is difficult to detect on mammograms and why it is so important that it is studied as a distinct type of breast cancer. Lobular Breast Cancer patient Lisa Palleria shared her story and described what is an all too familiar experience for lobular breast cancer patients – how her lobular breast cancer was initially missed on mammograms.  

Watch the full interview here


LBCA SAB Member, Dr. Pete Simpson and Dr. Amy McCart Reed of the University of Queensland hosted a  Webinar to Mark Global Lobular Breast Cancer Awareness Day 

The webinar, chaired by Professor Sunil Lakhani, a world-renowned breast pathologist, discussed the latest in lobular breast cancer research, treatment and diagnosis. Featured speakers included:

  • Professor Sunil Lakhani, Group Leader UQ Centre for Clinical Research; Executive Director for Research, and Breast pathologist, Pathology Queensland.
  • Associate Professor Pete Simpson, Theme leader for Cancer and Group Leader UQ Centre for Clinical Research; Senior Lecturer MD program.
  • Associate Professor Amy McCart Reed, Senior Principal Research Fellow, UQ Centre for Clinical Research. 
  • Dr Anna Sokolova, Consultant Pathologist, MPhil candidate, Breast Cancer Trials Fellow. 
  • Dr Tivya Kulasegaran, Consultant Medical Oncologist, MPhil candidate, Breast Cancer Trials Fellow. 

Dr. SImpson and McCart Reed are also working closely with Lobular Breast Cancer patient advocates Pamela Kinnon, Kristen Elsby and Mary Lloyd (pictured below) to establish Lobular Breast Cancer Australia.  



The Stock Market Exchange Siren Rings in Toronto Canada for the First Global Lobular Breast Cancer Awareness Day!

LBCA Board member, Brenda Cunnington, also employed by the Toronto Stock Exchange hosted LBCA to open the market on the morning of October 15th to recognize Global Lobular Breast Cancer Awareness Day. Joining Brenda were LBCA Chief Operating Officer, Mason Mitchell-Daniels, LBCA Board Chair Bob McDevitt and Board Member Judy McDevitt, Dr. Christine Brezden-Masley from Mount Sinai Hospital, and LBCA ILC Research grantee Dr. David Lim from Women’s College Hospital. Many individuals who have had or are living with lobular breast cancer and their families were also in attendance. 

After the market open, the event continued with a lobular breast cancer “Lunch & Learn” session hosted by Brenda who shared her lobular breast cancer story. The session included a presentation by Mason of an overview of LBCA and ILC advocacy and a description from Judy of her lobular breast cancer journey. Dr. Brezden-Masley then presented on the clinical experience of lobular breast cancer and Dr. Lim spoke about the current research on ILC and what is coming on the horizon. LBCA’s new video about lobular breast cancer and why it needs attention and a day for raising awareness was also shown. 

To watch the full market open and lunch & learn presentations, click here.


Lobular Ireland and the Irish Cancer Society Host Webinar

Lobular Ireland led by Siobhan Freeney and the Irish Cancer Society hosted a webinar on the unique aspects of living with lobular breast cancer with Patient Advocate Margaret Walsh, who shared her story of diagnosis and treatment.  Dr. Damir Vareslija, a Breast Cancer Researcher from The Royal College of Surgeons also presented an overview of ILC.  Amy Nolan, the Director of Clinical Affairs with the Irish Cancer Society fielded questions from viewers. 

To watch the approximately 60 minute recorded webinar click here

The Netherlands

UMC UTRECHT Presents Mini-ILC Symposium

SAB Member Dr. Patrick Derksen of University Medical Center (UMC) in Utrecht, Netherlands, Department of Pathology worked with patient advocate Rian ter Veer to organize a mini-ILC Symposium on October 15th to increase awareness among patients and professionals. UMC Utrecht worked with the Erasmus Medical Center, Nederlands Kanker Instituut-Antoni van Leeuwenhoek and Maastricht UMC+ and hosted speakers from research, healthcare and patient organizations.  Dr. Derksen and Rian were also interviewed in the Dutch newspaper, deGerderlander, about lobular breast cancer and the need for targeted treatments.

Individual Acts of Advocacy in Maryland, Missouri, Oregon and Online

PORTLAND, OREGON – Kathleen Moss, Local Advocacy Team Coordinator with LBCA held an awareness event with Dr. Sasha Stanton, a Medical Oncologist with Providence Cancer Institute and other local advocates including Leslie Pifer-Pien.

OXON HILL, MARYLAND – Brenda Sulick attended the Breast Cancer Awareness Health Fair held at the Tanger Outlets at the National Harber in Oxon Hill. Brenda distributed 50 LBCA brochures on lobular breast cancer and provided information to many women at the event which included 20 other breast cancer organizations’ booths. Brenda noted that most of the women she spoke with had never heard of lobular breast cancer, even those that were also breast cancer survivors. 

KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI –  Karen Garrison organized an awareness event by This Little Light at Imaging for Women, in Kansas City, and shared educational materials on lobular breast cancer including LBCA’s new brochures.         

VIRTUAL – Gitte Joergensen made the declaration of Lobular Breast Cancer Awareness Day possible in Connecticut and helped raise awareness about ILC on social media.

More Awareness Raising Actions in Brazil, California, France and New Mexico!

Brazil, represented by GBECAM, participated in the Global Lobular Breast Cancer Awareness Day with an educational webinar for clinicians focused on the role of the multidisciplinary team in the treatment of ILC.  

To watch the recorded webinar click here

In support of the Global Lobular Breast Cancer Awareness Day during Breast Cancer Awareness month, and initiated by LBCA SAB member Dr. Gary Ulaner, Chair of molecular imaging and therapy and professor of radiology, the Hoag Family Cancer Institute issued a press release in support of awareness raising for Lobular Breast Cancer.  Click here to read the full release.

In France on October 15th a web conference on lobular breast cancer was initiated by European Lobular Breast Cancer Consortium (ELBCC) co-chairs Dr. Anne Salomon and Dr. Christine Desmedt of the Institut des Cancers des Femmes and Ku Leuven, respectively, and presented in partnership with organizers: Patients en Reseau, Mon Réseau cancer du Sein and Dis moi Santé.  A recording will be posted online by LBCA when it becomes available.

An event was held on October 15th at the Trails West Community Center in Las Cruces, NM with a presentation about early detection, risk and prevention of lobular breast cancer and the difference between invasive lobular carcinoma and invasive ductal carcinoma.

Plus A Benefit Concert for LBCA in New Jersey

Singer and LBCA Board Member Kathy Krantz Hosts 2nd Successful “Hope in Harmony” Concert to Benefit LBCA on October 26th

Dr. Kathryn Krantz, an LBCA Board Member and singer with the Jersey Sound Chorus, an award-winning a cappella chorus Jersey Sound, led the group’s efforts again this year in sponsoring its 2nd annual “Hope in Harmony” benefit choral concert in support of the Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance. The matinee performance, on October 26, at the First Presbyterian Church of Moorestown (NJ), had a “showtime” theme featuring tunes from musicals and cinema and showcased the talents of five choral groups: Jersey Sound, Shades of Harmony and Philadelphia Freedom Chorus (all member choruses of Sweet Adelines International); Rittenhouse Sound (the Philadelphia Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society); and acclaimed youth choir, ChildrenSong of NJ. A highlight and audience favorite was the charming duet from Meredith Willson’s “The Music Man,” “Lida Rose”/”Will I Ever Tell You” and was performed by the combined men’s and women’s choruses in glorious eight-part a cappella barbershop harmony. Jersey Sound’s Musical Director, Ritchie Lavene, happy to lend his support to the event again this year said that “coming together and sharing art in service of such a good cause, the fight against Lobular Breast Cancer, this day filled my heart!”

Kathy, an ILC patient and retired physician, shared remarks during intermission to educate about lobular breast cancer. She reflected on her experience as a patient whose disease did not appear on mammography–a distressingly common scenario—and the need for better methods of imaging and more specific treatment for ILC.  She also highlighted some of LBCA’s recent achievements, including the introduction of ILC-specific information on the web site of the National Cancer Institute and the global initiative to designate October 15 as Lobular Breast Cancer Awareness Day (with an official state proclamation to that effect, from the governor of Pennsylvania, on proud display at the concert venue).

All net proceeds from ticket sales, ad purchases and donations will go to LBCA and at last count may exceed $5,000!. LBCA is grateful to Kathy and these talented and generous groups.


REELS From Lobular Breast Cancer Survivors, Patients and Families

Hear from the Lobular Breast Cancer survivors, patients and families that shared their experiences as part of the October 15th awareness day campaign.

Leslie Pifer-Pien
Joe Hutcheson
Brandy Parker
LBCA Local Advocacy Team Coordinator, Kathleen Moss
Families and supporters raise awareness of ILC
Professional Golfer Angela Stanford
Anna Milne
ABC Journalist Mary Lloyd
LBCA Board Member, Brenda Cunnington
LBCA Board Member, Bob McDevitt

US State Declarations

Six US States have officially declared October 15th as Lobular Breast Cancer Awareness Day: Texas, Massachusetts, Maryland, Connecticut, Colorado and Pennsylvania.


To read more about the LBCA’s October 15th campaign click here.

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