Patient Advocate Advisory Board

The Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance (LBCA) Patient Advocate Advisory Board (PAAB) helps ensure that the perspective of those with lobular breast cancer is always integral to the organization's work.

PAAB members are people who have had or have lobular breast cancer and/or their loved ones who have committed to serving in this advisory capacity for at least one year. PAAB members meet quarterly with LBCA staff to discuss and provide feedback on how well LBCA activities support the organization’s mission from a patient perspective. The PAAB members also meet with the LBCA Board of Directors and Scientific Advisory Board members periodically to help identify ILC research priorities and associated activities by which to accomplish them.

PAAB activities includes:

  • participating in LBCA’s annual process to update its ILC research priorities and strategic plan
  • helping LBCA create effective educational materials that are accessible to those with lobular breast cancer from diverse backgrounds, and strategize about best mechanisms to reach those audiences
  • providing general guidance to LBCA from a patient advocate perspective on the effect of LBCA activities and initiatives


Irene A. Jamieson

Vice Chair

Shay Chawla

Brenda Cunnington

Tracy Cushing*

Nicole Dearing*

Kristen Elsby*

Karan Garrison

Ciara Mohan Gustafson*

Gitte H. Joergensen

Julia Katherine Levine

Nancy MacGillivray

Diane Mapes

Christine McKay

Flora Migyanka

Barbara Neilsen

Lori Petitti

Leslie Pifer-Pien*

We thank all of our PAAB members for sharing their time, skills, and experiences with us. 

*New members of the PAAB

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