Lobular Research at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium 2019

The Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance sent several research advocates to participate in the 2019 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium.  LBCA advocates submitted an abstract and presented a research poster sharing the findings of a survey of its website users. SABCS is attended by thousands of breast cancer providers and researchers from around the world.


View abstracts presented during the 2019 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium

Links provided courtesy of San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium®”  www.sabcs.org.  An archive of all presentations, abstracts and posters from SABCS 2018 can be found at www.sabcs.org under “past meetings”

The LBCA poster entitled Survey of LBCA-Sponsored Website Users Confirms Value, Identifies Unmet Information Needs of Patients highlights the information research poster reporting findings of survey of lobular breast cancer patients gap patients face when making decisions with their providers about their treatment and self-care, indicates high levels of interest in additional ILC research and confirms the value of having a dedicated source of research-based information about lobular breast cancer.

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