LBCA Volunteers Make It All Possible

As 2021 ends, we at LBCA reflect on the variety of accomplishments this past year, which have been made possible by the powerful contributions of our volunteers. We wanted to pause and call out the individuals and teams who dedicate their time to support LBCA’s mission. A heartfelt thank you to:

  • The volunteers who worked on our San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium 2021 (SABCS) survey/abstract/poster.
  • Julia, LBCA’s lead research advocate and publications curator, who has worked with select Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) members to include the most recent additions to our publications library and for her contributions in all metastatic ILC collaborations this past year.
  • Janice, LBCA’s research and communications officer, who is always willing to draft documents and support content development for our website.
  • Joe, our volunteer general counsel, for his legal advice and additional support work.
  • LBCA founding advocate Leigh, Dr. Oesterreich, Dr. Derksen, Dr. Metzger, and our international partners for making the 2021 ILC International Symposium happen. Thanks also to Drs. Sikora, Jankowitz, and Ulaner for their role in the ILC Patient Advocate Highlights session.
  • Our SAB, new Patient Advocate Advisory Board, and the LBCA Research and Advocacy Committee who attend and participate in meetings and willingly take on new projects all year long.
  • Our Founding Advocates who continue to raise awareness about ILC and support LBCA and our mission so effectively through presentations, publications, and fundraising.
  • Our volunteers who help with communicating about ILC and LBCA via various media, including Diane, Dina, Evelyn, Olayinka, and Wendi, and all of the women who so generously shared their ILC stories throughout the year.
  • The volunteers who share their time to review grants, review fundraising materials, and share their professional backgrounds and expertise to make LBCA’s work stronger.

While this list is long, it is inevitable that we have left someone out. Know that we appreciate all of you and your help in making a difference to those diagnosed with lobular breast cancer.

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