First International Invasive Lobular Breast Cancer Symposium (2016)

One hundred-thirty researchers, clinicians and ILC patient advocates from around the world met on September 29-30, 2016, at the UPMC Hillman Cancer Center in Pittsburgh, PA for the First International Invasive Lobular Breast Cancer Symposium.

The Symposium webpage includes links to the agenda, abstracts and slides.

The Breast Cancer Research Foundation supported the first ILC symposium and summarized findings and opportunities.

Thirty patient advocates from around the country attended the symposium in Pittsburgh.  This gathering led to the formation of the patient-driven Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance to provide an organized patient voice to raise the profile of lobular breast cancer, advance research and improve diagnosis, treatment and follow-up care for patients with invasive lobular carcinoma.

The 2nd International Invasive Lobular Breast Cancer Symposium will be held May 14 -16, 2020 in Pittsburgh.

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