Advocate Chat: Intro to Cancer Basic Science & Immunology

On February 13, 2023, the Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance (LBCA) held the latest installment of its virtual Advocate Chat series: Introduction to Cancer Basic Science and Immunology. The session was presented by LBCA Board of Director members Dr. Ramlah Nehring and Dr. Sasha Stanton.

Dr. Nehring began the program outlining the basic science of cancer including invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC). Topics included an overview of DNA, RNA, proteins, and epigenetics; the DNA basis of cancer, mutations, and resistance; tumor suppressors and oncogenes; and the known hallmarks of ILC and invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC).

Next, Dr. Stanton discussed the immune system including how it works and communicates as well as types of tumor immune environments.

The LBCA’s Advocate Chat series provides people with a way to learn more about different aspects of patient advocacy and to network with other patient advocates. Advocate Chats are organized with a presentation followed by a live question and answer session with the presenter, which is not recorded.

Watch the Advocate Chat below and review the slides. Learn more about LBCA and advocacy by visiting our Advocacy through Education and Research Advocacy Toolkit pages and reading Research Advocacy Resources and Questions and Answers. For more information about lobular breast cancer or to make a gift visit

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