Advocate Chat: 2022 Schedule

The Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance (LBCA) is pleased to announce it will be hosting another series of Advocat Chats in 2022.

What Are Advocate Chats?

LBCA provides a wealth of written material about how individuals can learn more about advocacy through education and research advocacy on our website. To bring these resources to life, we host a series of virtual Advocate Chats that are focused on advocacy skill building topics. Our sessions are one hour and include a presentation on a targeted topic followed by Q&As with the audience.

2022 Advocate Chat Schedule

Following is the list of sessions taking place in July and August. As dates are confirmed and registration opens for each event, they will be updated here and posted on our calendar of events.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022, 9am PST/12pm EST

Reading Research Articles and Posters: A Conversation with LBCA Scientific Advisory Board member Dr. Megan Kruse on SABCS21 Research and Presentation on Pleomorphic vs. Non-pleomorphic ILC

Register for the July 6 event is open.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022, 9am PST/12pm EST

Laboratory Research Logistics – What is basic research and how do we support the lab? A conversation with LBCA Scientific Advisory Board member Dr. Matt Sikora on the Wild World of Research

Registration for the July 20 event is open.

 August – Date to Be Determined, 9am PST/12pm EST

A Population Based Study on ILC: A Conversation with LBCA’s first funded researcher Dr. David Lim

September – Date to Be Determined, 9am PST/12pm EST

How We Know What We Know About Cancer Data: A Conversation with Staff from the NCI Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences

Thursday, September 29, 2022, 9am PST/12pm EST

Conducting a Peer-to-Peer Fundraiser—Learn How to Launch Your Own During this Session—Getting Ready for BC Awareness Month: A Conversation with Development Director Karen Ferguson

Advocate Chat sessions from 2021 can be found on the Educational Videos and Podcasts page of our website. For more information about lobular breast cancer or to make a gift visit

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