2nd ILC Symposium and Lobular Advocate Boot Camp Canceled 

We are sad to announce that the 2nd ILC Symposium organizing committee – including the Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance advocates – have canceled the 2nd International Invasive Lobular Breast Cancer Symposium and the Lobular Advocate Boot Camp. The symposium was originally scheduled for May 14-16, 2020 and then postponed to November 19-21, 2020.

The health and safety of all attendees is our top priority, and the organizing committee believes it best to postpone until 2021. We will announce the dates for an in-person meeting next year when they are secured.

In the meantime, LBCA will continue to advocate, organize and work with researchers to launch studies and to raise awareness and educate about lobular breast cancer.  Please join our efforts.  Patients, caregivers and others who are current advocates and want to connect, as well as those who are are interested in advocacy and want to learn more … stay-tuned … the LBCA will be in touch with next steps.  Our Advocacy Toolkit and advocacy-focused webinars can be good resources to learn more.  If you want to become an advocate contact us to volunteer or email info@lobularbreastcancer.org and introduce yourself.

The symposium organizers will contact registrants directly and reimburse registration costs to all who have registered for the 2020 meeting.  Contact Nadine Ryan ryann@upmc.edu with any questions.

Special thanks to LBCA’s Advocate Boot Camp sponsors the Metastatic Breast Cancer Network and Susan G Komen for their generous support of LBCA and their commitment to advancing patient advocacy for lobular breast cancer.

Thanks for understanding and all the best,

The 2nd International ILC Symposium Organizing Committee and the Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance

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