My ILC Story – Olayinka

Researchers, clinicians, and healthcare workers from around the world are also a part of the Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance (LBCA) community.  They strive to help women with Iinvasive lobular carcinoma (ILC) by pursuing research and conducting clinical trials to identify better methods for ILC detection and treatment. They may also work in health care delivery systems raising awareness about ILC and helping patients understand how ILC is different from invasive ductal carcinoma and what it may mean for treatment decisions. Here is one of their ILC stories. 

Meet Olayinka

My experience as a patient navigator in Lagos, Nigeria has been both amazing and challenging, particularly as I am the first one to participate in a multi-disciplinary team approach to cancer care. In the course of my work I see all oncology patients, but my primary focus is breast cancer.

Lobular Breast Cancer in Nigeria

Women with lobular breast cancer, their caregivers, and their primary care physician need more education and insight! A lobular breast cancer patient in Nigeria has numerous challenges. One is understanding their diagnosis. A second is finding resources to navigate their way through their treatment continuum. I support my patients as best as I can with the available resources, such as those from the LBCA, but I look forward to being able to do even more as more is learned about best treatment methods through more research.

Photo of Olayinka

Working with hospitals and clinics and patients across Nigeria is such an amazing experience. I shall continue to support and help my patients for as long as I can. I feel supported and blessed to have found the LBCA. It is an amazing community of advocates. I am grateful for crossing paths with them.

I am passionate about patient navigation, and I strongly believe that in Nigeria this role will continue to grow and improve as we continue to work to give our patients the best quality of life experience through the care and services we offer as a team. To all my colleagues locally and internationally, I love you all.  Thumbs up to you. Loads of love from Africa!

Would you like to tell others your ILC story? Send an email to to request more information.

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