Professional Golfer Angela Stanford Educates People About ILC

Pro Golfer Discusses Being Touched By Lobular Breast Cancer and Is Featured in LBCA’s First Public Service Announcements

LPGA golfer Angela Stanford is no stranger to invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC). Her mother was diagnosed with this subtype of breast cancer in 2009 at the age of 54. While her mom had yearly mammograms starting at age 40, ILC was never discovered.

Angela is now taking time out of her golfing schedule to work with the Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance (LBCA) to educate others about ILC. She sat down and talked about ILC with LBCA. She also recorded several Public Service Announcements (PSAs) for the LBCA to use in its efforts to bring more attention to this sneaky type of breast cancer. LBCA is grateful to Angela for her efforts in educating others about ILC and promoting the need for more ILC research. Watch our interview with Angela and the PSAs below.

Do you work at a TV station or radio station that might be interested in airing the video PSAs or additional audio PSAs Angela created for us? Do you have a personal relationship with a national or international celebrity who might be interested in helping us educate others about ILC and the need for more ILC research? If so, please contact us at

Interview With Angela Stanford





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