Patient Questions; Expert Answers

Physicians and researchers participating in the First International Symposium on Lobular Breast Cancer answer patient questions in this hour long patient question and answer video filmed in Pittsburgh, September 2016. View the Q&A here.

Experts answer common patient questions with clarity about what is known and what still needs research.  Topics include:

  • Screening, imaging and detection of early stage ILC
  • Surgical options
  • Endocrine/hormonal therapy (Tamoxifen or Aromatase Inhibitors) for post and pre-menopausal women
  • Neo-adjuvant therapies to shrink ILC tumors before surgery
  • Biomarkers and gene assays (like Mammaprint, Oncotype DX, etc)
  • Chemotherapy
  • Promising future therapies being researched
  • ILC specific clinical trials, challenges in research and what advocates can do to promote ILC research

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