LBCA Joins the ACS National Breast Cancer Roundtable

The Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance (LBCA) Executive Director Laurie Hutcheson recently traveled to Houston, Texas, to represent the organization at the inaugural strategic planning meeting for the American Cancer Society National Breast Cancer Roundtable (ACS NBCRT). The meeting took place September 6-8, 2023.

Women in front of ACS sign with balloons
LBCA Executive Director Laurie Hutcheson and ACS NBCRT Director Ashley Dedmon

The ACS launched the ACS NBCRT in October 2022, in conjunction with the White House launch of the Cancer Moonshot, with the following mission and vision:


The ACS NBCRT leads collective action across the nation so that every person and their support systems will know and understand breast cancer risk and screening needs and can access timely, high-quality, and compassionate screening, diagnosis, treatment, and supportive care needed to improve their survival and quality of life.


Transform breast cancer across the continuum of care to achieve optimal outcomes for every person.

Since its launch, the ACS NBCRT has grown to a national coalition of 66 member organizations. This includes LBCA, which was invited to join in March 2023. At the same time, Laurie was asked to assist with the development of the ACS NBCRT strategic plan and with the planning of the inaugural meeting.

At the recent strategic planning meeting in Houston, Laurie was a speaker, leading a roundtable discussion on ways to promote more diversity in breast cancer clinical trial participation.

Laurie described the meeting, which invited member organizations to “join hands to build bridges and save lives,” as “a serious and comprehensive working meeting that was at the same time moving, aspirational, and jubilant.”

The ACS NBCRT steering committee and the member organization representatives in attendance made firm connections and refined the priorities and proposed strategic plan actions and collaborative efforts ACS NBCRT members will focus on over the next two years in the areas of:

  • Risk reduction, screening, and early detection
  • Access to treatment
  • Clinical trials
  • Support and Wellness Services (including advocacy)

Laurie left the meeting with commitments for collaboration and prospects for sponsorship of LBCA outreach and education activities from many new organizations. She shared, “I am very optimistic that the ACS NBCRT will help raise visibility and prompt more research into lobular breast cancer and that the collaboration with the other member organizations will result in more resources for those newly diagnosed or living with invasive lobular carcinoma.”

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