LBCA Board Member Bikes to Raise ILC Awareness and Funds

Kudos to Dr. Tracy Cushing who on July 22, 2023, completed the Triple Bypass bike ride in Colorado, raising awareness of invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC) and funds for the Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance (LBCA). She raised more than $2,000 for LBCA through her peer-to-peer fundraiser.

Dr. Cushing is a lobular breast cancer survivor who was diagnosed in January 2021. Soon after, she started an Instagram page and blog (TracyCrushesCancer) to share her treatment journey. Dr. Cushing currently serves as chair of the LBCA Board of Directors.

Dr. Cushing described the ride as “an incredible experience.” The course was 118 miles long and included biking over three mountain passes. Although the ride was intensely challenging, Dr. Cushing said, “There was no way I wasn’t going to finish after my family and friends donated to support me. I’m already thinking about next year.”

Dr. Cushing exceeded her fundraising goal by over $200. One of her supporters wrote that in participating in the Triple Bypass, Tracy was effectively “spotlighting this under researched breast cancer.”

This isn’t the first time Dr. Cushing has raised funds for LBCA and ILC advocacy. Last October, she participated in the Monarch Triathlon in Arizona to raise awareness about the disease.

LBCA is grateful to Dr. Cushing for her work as an advisor, advocate, and fundraiser and for using her enthusiasm for biking so creatively. LBCA Executive Director Laurie Hutcheson extended her congratulations and thanked Tracy commenting, “I am in awe of and so grateful for Tracy’s enthusiasm and grit. She deserves major congratulations for completing this arduous race and our heartfelt thanks for raising so much money for LBCA at the same time!”

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