Ask Your Employer to Help Support LBCA

Your employer might be able to help you support the Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance (LBCA)! Many employers have corporate giving programs for which the LBCA, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, will almost always qualify. These include:

  • matching gift programs
  • corporate gifts to nonprofits where employees volunteer
  • corporate gifts to nonprofits that employees recommend
  • gifts that employees can designate be made to LBCA

An employer matching program can include a one-to-one match or more. Each company’s policy is different. Some require that employees give through their company portal with automatic verification. Others require completion of a form – usually online – that triggers a verification sent to LBCA to verify the gift before the employer processes the match.

Many companies support the volunteer work their employees do by providing a gift based on service hours to those organizations. This might include boards, committees, or program volunteers. These are generally employee driven and often require some type of regular verification of hours served.

Employers are also listening more and more to their employees who want to have a say in where the company’s charitable dollars are allocated. These employers are asking their employees for input as to what areas and sometimes specific organizations they want the company to support.

The United Way is a traditional employee giving campaign administered by the local United Way. However, employees who give to the United Way can ask that their giving be for a specific organization, even outside of the local area. This is a win-win – the company gets credit for the total company giving, and the employee can choose to support their chosen nonprofit.

What You Can Do

  • Find out if your employer has a Giving Program. Most programs are administered through the company’s Human Resources department. They are sometimes not well advertised and may require employee initiation.
  • Talk to your Human Resources department to inquire about your employer’s nonprofit giving policies. Let them know that you would like to support LBCA, and we would be grateful to have them support us as well.
  • LBCA’s Executive Director Laurie Hutcheson is happy to talk with anyone and assist.

For more information on employee giving please reach out to LBCA’s Executive Director Laurie Hutcheson at or call 617-921-1949. Learn more about other ways to give to LBCA.

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