NCI Releases First Annual Breast Cancer Incidence Report on Lobular Breast Cancer

The National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) program released its inaugural breast cancer incidence report on invasive lobular breast cancer, aka lobular breast cancer, this October. These Cancer Stat Facts provide a comprehensive description of lobular breast cancer and how it is distinct from other breast cancer types. It includes a collection of statistical summaries for common cancer types that provide a quick overview of frequently-requested cancer statistics. This report culminates three years of work between LBCA and SEER analysts and uses the text and references from our October 15th declaration letter as its foundation. LBCA began a conversation with the SEER incidence data analysts in early 2022 after an LBCA request for lobular specific incidence data that they collect, but had never published. LBCA posed the question, why can’t we get breast cancer type specific information released publicly? The initial answer was that no one had ever asked. We’re so glad we did!

NCI has now committed to issue an update of the ILC cancer stat facts annually; this is a huge step forward for lobular breast cancer research.

Read the full report here.

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